

生物醫學暨檢驗科學雜誌 - ALL ISSUES

生物醫學暨檢驗科學雜誌第34卷第3期 Journal of Biomedical & Laboratory Sciences Vol. 34, No. 3, 2022



綜論 Mini Review

Study to Pursue a Laboratory Medical Technology Career in the Most Prominent Trio of Anglophone Countries: Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America
蔡淦仁 陳蕙倫
Kan-Jen Tsai, Michelle Chan Sin Cheong
生檢雜誌2022;34:106-115 【Abstract】【摘要】 看PDF需登入會員

原著論文 Original Articles

Improving the Quality of Blood Specimen: Integrating Phlebotomy Skills Cognition Equipment, and Information System
吳莉葳 周嫚君 尤慧玲
Wu-Li Wei, Chou-Man Chun, Huey-Ling You
生檢雜誌2022;34:116-123 【Abstract】【摘要】 看PDF需登入會員
檢測腦脊髓液中具有中樞神經系統轉移肺腺癌病患之 EGFR 突變
Detection of EGFR Mutation using Cerebrospinal Fluid in Lung Adenocarcinoma with Central Nervous System Metastases
許呈安 張志新 王筱珺 鐘桂彬
Cheng-An Hsu, Chih-Hsin Chang, Hsiao-Chun Wang, Kuei-Pin Chung
生檢雜誌2022;34:124-132 【Abstract】【摘要】 看PDF需登入會員
Clinical Utility of Cutoff Index Adjustment in Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Detection
古伯文 甯孝真 盧章智 邱正堂 許朝偉 吳治慶
Po-Wen Gu1, Hsiao-Chen Ning, Jang-Jih Lu, Cheng-Tang Chiu, Chao-Wei Hsu, Chih-Ching Wu
生檢雜誌2022;34:133-140 【Abstract】【摘要】 看PDF需登入會員
市售不同原理之第八因子活性分析方法學應用於 Emicizumab 治療之嚴重A型血友病病患之診斷與監控
Application of Different Commercial Products for Factor VIII Activity Determination in Severe Hemophilia A Patients with Emicizumab Therapy
林賓賓 許呈安 黎芳瑜 周聖傑 張碧珠 鄭進裕
Bin-Bin Lin, Cheng-An Hsu, Fang-Yu Li, Sheng-Chieh Chou, Pi-Chu Chang, Chin-Yu Cheng
生檢雜誌2022;34:141-149 【Abstract】【摘要】 看PDF需登入會員

版權頁 Published
